

少了Carlos Santana還是不夠味阿。




但我對這樣的唱腔倒也還好,感覺有點太氾濫、太Pop,我喜歡的有點像Evanescence女主唱Amy Lee那一種的、或是Alanis Morissette那種有突破爆發和帶一點髒話的調調。不過不諱言Alanis Morissette有一點偏向Pop了。所以我也只Keep她的Jagged Little Pill那一張專輯。

但這首歌吸引我的當然是Santana的Guitar Solo,已經聽了很多年的東西。熟悉的五度音、花俏的Bending和Vibrato。


像我自己就喜歡TS-9的聲音,幾年來一向如此,TS-9的聲音可以溫暖,也可以暴力,但接在Acoustic Guitar上面也非常好聽。

說回這首歌。我總覺得年紀漸長之後,搖滾和反叛的精神雖然存在,但面對現實的生活也慢慢的被磨得圓滑了。但我依然討厭那種靡靡之音。像金曲獎之類的東西。Grammy和或許好些。對了,我懷疑現在的樂評人有多少還聽Iggy Pop或是Stone Roses?



Who would have thought
That you could hurt me
The way you've done it?
So deliberate, so determined

And since you have been gone
I bite my nails for days and hours
And question my own questions on and on

So tell me now, tell me now
Why you're so far away
When I'm still so close

You don't even know the meaning of the words "I'm sorry"
You said you would love me until you die
And as far as I know you're still alive, baby
You don't even know the meaning of the words "I'm sorry"
I'm starting to believe it should be illegal to deceive a woman's heart

I tried so hard to be attentive
To all you wanted
Always supportive, always patient
What did I do wrong?
I'm wondering for days and hours
It's clear, it isn't here where you belong

Anyhow, anyhow
I wish you both all the best
I hope you get along

But you don't even know the meaning of the words "I'm sorry"
You said you would love me until you die
And as far as I know you're still alive, baby
You don't even know the meaning of the words "I'm sorry"
I'm starting to believe it should be illegal to deceive a woman's heart

You don't even know the meaning of the words "I'm sorry"
You said you would love me until you die
And as far as I know you're still alive, baby
You don't even know the meaning of the words "I'm sorry"
I'm starting to believe it should be illegal to deceive a woman's heart

Open heart
Open heart
It should be illegal to deceive a woman's heart

Open heart
Open heart


But you don't even know the meaning of the words "I'm sorry"
You said you would love me until you die
And as far as I know you're still alive, baby




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